Friday, February 26, 2016

100WC week #8

August.8, 2364 

Life just ended now my life is swimming is a green, grow sewer. The last perfect day before the end of the world was well perfect. My mom brought me to a your a dancer thing and that sucked. Only my dad knew what was going on be cause he is a scientist. We went on a shopping spree and got million dollar loans and then we got a jet pack, ps4, Pogo sticks,and a Mansion ,etc. Likely we weren't going to survive but we got to a nuke bunker under ground. But what exploded was unexplainable. When you die you get anything you want.

Thursday, February 18, 2016

1OOWC Week# 7

The Cookie Monster

Then the door opened and there it was David saw... The cookie monster! From when he was a little kid. He fed him a cookie but he ate David's hand off but there was no blood, it was pixelated. While his hand was disintegrating he slaped the cookie monster in the face with his left hand. The cookie monster got mad but then he cried then he called the WHOLE sesme street gang and teamed up on David. That was the end of David and the whole sesme street went to comton.

Wednesday, February 10, 2016

100WC Week# 6

The to Scary Haunted House

Amy was a smart girl until it came to haunted houses. She was the weirdest girl in her school. She loved to get scared. Her friends were telling her about a real haunted house on her street. She said that day she was going in to that haunted house. So after school at 8:30 PM Amy and her friends went to the haunted house and she was shocked to see the house but she went in anyway. When she was in she said " I change my mind I'm going home."

Sunday, February 7, 2016

100WC Week 5

It was a warm and happy day, but suddenly the baby got onto the top of the oven and turned it up fully. Two hours later it started a fire, and the fire department came with super wings for moments like this. They grabbed the mom and baby and got them to safety. The mom said " My son is still in there." So the firemen went into the building searching for the child but couldn't find him so they started to turn back but suddenly the son appeared had a wingsuit and jumped out the window  and crashed into a building and died.