Thursday, May 26, 2016

100WC WEEK#19

Two Figures 

It was a dark night with a blizzard outside. With only a flame from a candle. I heard knocking in the attic like tiny feet as the flame flickered and then went out with a big blow. "Click clack." I saw tiny people sprint across my stairs. Then I went to go check it out but saw two black figures. So I ran back downstairs but the feet we're behind me I turned around and two of my funny children.

Friday, May 20, 2016

100WC # 18

Chuck E Cheeses 

The night. The night of chuck e is alive. I was home in my bright ORANGE PYJAMAS went downstairs in SILENCE. The deathly spirit of chuck e awakened. Then I fell through the ground suddenly and it was the surface of life, the surface of time. And chuck Es face is all around me and I could swim. So I did and I kept swimming and I SWAM and swam BAM! THUNDER struck and I woke up.

Thursday, May 12, 2016

100WC Week#17

Life and Death Part 1

81 years old looks like its the end for me. Life has gotten old but I've gotten older. Looks like I've got to say good bye. OH YEAH that's right I can't move because I'm too weak. Fell to the ground gasping for air. There I was dead on the ground on living room floor. THEN BOOM! I was transported to stairs then I steped on it and...

Tuesday, May 10, 2016

100WC Week#16

The Hanting Hotel

One Halloween night in a town called Bartley village. Was a girl named Lisa and Lisa was feeling sneaky she liked sneaking into places on special days for some reason. But here is her story on Halloween night. "So it's a hotel huh."Lisa said looking on her computer with a malicious voice. "I'll go tonight at 1:00." So she got her stuff ready witch was a flashlight and two battery's. And so she went off... Inside was spooky lots of stuff like flashing lamps and creaking doors. "Ahh." Lisa screamed because she heard a slam ran out the door and went home.

Thursday, April 28, 2016

100WC WeeK# 15

The Trash Cans 
One day in a normal city sits trash cans and those trash cans are special. They talk anytime somebody walks past. We've heard them say " Was up doc."" How's it going bro." And also "wassss up." 100000 Years in the future the trash cans stood up and we're walking around. They walked out of the city not knowing anything. But they came across many obstacles like rivers cut down trees and much more. The last obstacle they had to over come were crows. They kept eating the inside of them and they all died.


Sunday, April 24, 2016

100WCWeek # 14

 Super Circus 

Hello, My name is Timmy Tee and I am a clown. I work at the circus and this is my story. Once upon a time in a town called Meow was me. I was a clown for two years my main act was putting my hand into a box and pulling out something. So I was at home one day and I was needing to rush to my performance and eat my spaghetti but my food kept slipping off my plate. Later I at my performance I put my hand in the box and felt my spaghetti! And that was the end of my story. 

Thursday, April 14, 2016


The Thunder Storm

It was night the room was pitch black  and quiet. All I could hear was a thunderstorm. I looked outside to see the biggest puddle in the world on my front lawn. And it was about 15 m wide and of course it was still raining so the spot grew and grew and it started to flood into the street. I tyres to go back to bed but then someone slapped me and I woke up.

Tuesday, March 1, 2016

100WC Week#9 SuperHeros

The Death Phantom

One dark and scary night, a boy by the name of Jack snuck out one night by the sound of ghouls while he jumped out the window. Jack got pulled back in, by a death phantom.
Jack was getting forced into the phantom when he got out he had powers. He could fly, walk through walls, and shoot death balls that turn people into zombies. Jack used his powers to help fight crime and save the day. Days past and Jack was starting to look like the phantom then he had an instinct to become a villain and fight with crime instead of fighting it.

Friday, February 26, 2016

100WC week #8

August.8, 2364 

Life just ended now my life is swimming is a green, grow sewer. The last perfect day before the end of the world was well perfect. My mom brought me to a your a dancer thing and that sucked. Only my dad knew what was going on be cause he is a scientist. We went on a shopping spree and got million dollar loans and then we got a jet pack, ps4, Pogo sticks,and a Mansion ,etc. Likely we weren't going to survive but we got to a nuke bunker under ground. But what exploded was unexplainable. When you die you get anything you want.

Thursday, February 18, 2016

1OOWC Week# 7

The Cookie Monster

Then the door opened and there it was David saw... The cookie monster! From when he was a little kid. He fed him a cookie but he ate David's hand off but there was no blood, it was pixelated. While his hand was disintegrating he slaped the cookie monster in the face with his left hand. The cookie monster got mad but then he cried then he called the WHOLE sesme street gang and teamed up on David. That was the end of David and the whole sesme street went to comton.

Wednesday, February 10, 2016

100WC Week# 6

The to Scary Haunted House

Amy was a smart girl until it came to haunted houses. She was the weirdest girl in her school. She loved to get scared. Her friends were telling her about a real haunted house on her street. She said that day she was going in to that haunted house. So after school at 8:30 PM Amy and her friends went to the haunted house and she was shocked to see the house but she went in anyway. When she was in she said " I change my mind I'm going home."

Sunday, February 7, 2016

100WC Week 5

It was a warm and happy day, but suddenly the baby got onto the top of the oven and turned it up fully. Two hours later it started a fire, and the fire department came with super wings for moments like this. They grabbed the mom and baby and got them to safety. The mom said " My son is still in there." So the firemen went into the building searching for the child but couldn't find him so they started to turn back but suddenly the son appeared had a wingsuit and jumped out the window  and crashed into a building and died.

Thursday, January 28, 2016

100WC Week #4

Blizzard Storm

One winter morning, got up  to go play in the snow. Outside was colder then expected but I continued playing but later that day a blizzard accord. 
"Get in side now" mom yelled.
 Running in I slipped on black ice. The blizzard caught up with me and I grabbed the porch and hugged as hard as I could. My grip was slipping.
"Help!" I yelled as I was getting sucked into the death vortex.
I needed to jump to the door, it was a 50/50 chance of life or death. Then I went for it, I couldn't quiet make it but my reached for my arm and pulled me in. My heart was racing at the speed of sound. The blizzard went away and I was safe.

Wednesday, January 20, 2016

100WC week#3

The Secret Mountain Climb

Jordan had a dream to climb the biggest mountain in the land. He had the hardest job, the traveller, walking around selling bright red apples. Then one day he snuck out of the castle and grabbed his packed bags he had hid in a bush, and headed off to the indestructible, hard mountain. As he traveled along, it started to rain, he got an umbrella out from his backpack and trailed along. A huge river appeared with slippery rocks making Jordan lose his balance.  He flipped his umbrella over and used it as a raft then floated away all the way home. 

Monday, January 18, 2016

100 Word Challenge Week 2

Amusement park

Woke up feeling extraordinary wanted to hangout with friends but it was the day we were going to the amusement park so I invited my friend Landon to come along he said heck yeah and came right over. We headed off to the amusement park. They had a new ride called The Super Screamer we ran into the crowd to the Super Screamer somebody called me as I joined the queue it was james my cousin he joined us in line. Finely we were there just hopping ing the kart made me feel sick because someone left their green milkshake in the kart "1, 2, 3" said the man in charge of the ride " ahh " I yelled as we dropped a million feet down well it felt like it got off dizzy to sick to do another ride then we went home and played mortal kombat.  

Wednesday, January 6, 2016

100 Word Challenge by Diablo

Tim and Tom too best friends they live in a place called Cuptopia.

Tim and Tom dreamt about climbing the biggest mountain in Cuptopia It was called Cool whip.

At the top of Cool whip mountain was the cuptree. Cuptree held magic and to get the magic you had

to eat and chop down the whole tree and the whole tree is candy. The next day Tim and Tom said

that they would climb Cool whip mountain chop down and eat cuptree and get the magic.

They set off climbing, grappling from ledge to ledge insanity glared their eyes while they

jumped up the mountain was difficult. Finely after 2 days rough pain they got to the top ran to the

cuptree got out their axes started chopping and eating 5 mounts later finished they were proud got the

magic and went home.